Cinque Wine & Deli

The Best Wine & Deli in Athens


Type:  Red, Dry
Origin: Epirus
Varieties: Mavroboubouko
Producer: Lithos Winery
Region: Souli, Epirus

Lithos Red by Lithos Winery

Where does it come from?

A blend of the famous Merlot along side with the rare and indigenous varieties, Mavrompoumpouko originated from Zakynthos island, and Mavrothiriko originated from Dodecanese. The vineyards are located at 600m altitude near the springs of Acheron. Deep rubby color. Aromas from red and dark fruits, sweet spices and chocolate. Full body with medium tannins, and long aftertaste. Flavors from cherry, sour cherry, plum and nutmeg.

Give Cinque's Recipe a Try!

Watch our recipe video on our YouTube channel.

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