Cinque Wine & Deli

The Best Wine & Deli in Athens


Type:  White, dry
Category: Varietal Wine
Varieties: Muscat of Samos
Producer: UWC of Samos
Region: Samos

Where does it come from?

A wine with finesse , where the bouquet of fruity and floral aromas are expressed in a sophisticated manner. It comes from the best mountainous vineyards. It has a bright, light greenish-yellow color. Intense nose with the floral fragrances of the Muscat with impressive fruity references (melon, peach) and aromas of rose, apricot and lemon. The mouth is delicate and light, with refreshing acidity and a long aftertaste.

The variety...

The need of Muscat White grape for sunlight is essential. It thrives when the sun warms up its small berries, bestowing on their thick skin a freckle-dotted yellow-gold colour and uniquely concentrating the variety’s aromas and flavour. As a result, small-berried Muscat White yields dessert wines of international stature (“Muscat of Patras”; “Muscat of Rio Patras”; “Muscat of Rhodes”; “Muscat of Samos”; and “Muscat of Cephalonia”).

Discover the unique character of the grape by choosing one of Cinque’s wine tastings or enjoy it by the glass at wine bars in Athens.

The winery...

The UWC Samos is one of the oldest cooperatives in Greece and it is included in one of the biggest wineries nationally! Samos wine is one of the basic “Greek wine ambassadors” abroad, with exports all over the world. Nowadays, 2200 producers participate in the Cooperative as members.

It was founded in 1934 after actions taken by the vine growers of the island.  The history of the Samos Cooperative through time proves that the alliance of the vine growers was a strategically important move for the preservation of viticulture and the protection of the producers’ income.

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