Cinque Wine & Deli

The Best Wine & Deli in Athens

Anastasia Fragou Winery

From the first moment of its operation, Anastasia’s Fragou winery focuses on the cultivation and promotion of Savatiano, the historical white variety of Mesogaia, that through the beauty of its taste nurtured and raised many generations and of course the owners themselves, Anastasia Fragou and her husband Dionysis Fragou.

Anastasia’s Fragou winery was established in 1986 by Constantine Frangos in Mesogaia, the most important region of Attica considering the vine, a region with a manifold winemaking history that is lost in the times of Ancient Greece.

Originally, the winery had a more traditional form, with a wine press and concrete tanks, as the wine was designed and destined for being sold as bulk wine to the taverns of Athens and Mesogheia. Gradually, however, following the trend of the time with the “renaissance” of the Greek wine, the winery began to take another direction.

In 1999 a huge leap was made, the infrastructure was modernized and the technological equipment was brought up to date. The winery directed its attention towards the production of quality bottled wine. It is the year that the winery passed from father to daughter, Anastasia Fragou.

She joins forces with her husband Dionysis Fragou, also a winemaker and viticulturist, and together they begin to work towards a common vision. That means the utilization of the family vineyards, standardization of the wine and the elevation of the Savatiano variety to the protagonist of their land and trademark of their production. Their goal is the crystal clear taste of their wines to create feelings and images to the consumers, exactly as they create to them, each sip of wine representing the life, history and tradition of their families.

The proprietary vineyards amount to 14 hectares and are located in Rafina, Spata and Pikermi, each site focusing on the vinification of different wines in order to achieve the best expression of the variety, depending on the microclimate of each vineyard location.

Systematic experimental vinifications for the best expression of Savatiano turned it into an emblematic wine and declared winner a single vineyard of 2.1 hectares, located in Voulia, a region in the vicinity of Spata. In this particular vineyard beats loudly the heart of the winery, through the creation of the varietal label Savvatiano, a label that constantly adds awards from international competitions to its record.

Marathonos AV. & Makedonomachon 19009 Rafina, Attica
+30 22940 32508

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