Cinque Wine & Deli

The Best Wine & Deli in Athens


Type:  White, Dry
Category: Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) Slopes of Aigialeia
Varieties: 100% Lagorthi
Producer: m20 Winery
Region: Aigialeia

Where does it come from?

Lagorthi is a less known grape variety that, due to its demanding vinification process, is very rarely found on its own. Lagorthi is mostly found in the mountains of Achaia in the Northern Peloponnese. It produces wines with extremely pale, yellow silver color, while the nose has moderate intensity but is extremely elegant, focusing on minerality and florality. The palate is lean, coming across with great purity, with high acidity and low alcohol, since it is a variety that can achieve full flavor ripeness at 12% alcohol.

The variety...

The variety is grown in only a few vineyards, mainly in northern Peloponnesus and on some Ionian islands. As it is sensitive to water stress, some plantings have been made further north, in Macedonia, to assess its suitability for cooler but wetter climates. It is however relatively vigorous and resistant to disease. The grapes, which mature late (around late September), have thick skins and a fairly low juice content, and have an unusual ability to mature fully even at low sugar levels.

Discover the unique character of the grape by choosing one of Cinque’s wine tastings or enjoy it by the glass at wine bars in Athens.

The winery...

Μ20 is a small family winery located in the Aigialeia region of the Northern Peloponnese. Utilizing exclusively small size tanks, modern equipment and the latest wine making techniques we are able to fully control all the stages of vinification but also we are able to locate and isolate those vineyards that produce excellent wines.

Our ultimate goal is to highlight and bring the best out of local grape varieties such as Roditis and Lagorthi while we also utilize other grape varieties that thrive in the excellent micro climate of the Aigialeia region.

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